June 29, 2024
Gaming Lingo 101: Terms That Beginners Should Be Familiar With When Playing CODM

Welcome, soldier, to the ever-evolving battlefield of Call of Duty: Mobile! Whether you’re a seasoned shooter veteran or a fresh recruit, navigating the game’s terminology can feel like deciphering enemy comms, but fear not! This guide will equip you with the essential Call of Duty: Mobile terms you need to dominate the competition.
This refers to your customized selection of weapons, perks, and scorestreaks you take into battle. Experiment with different loadouts to find what works best for your playstyle.
Primary Weapon
This is your main firearm, typically an assault rifle, SMG, or LMG. Choose one that suits your preferred combat range (close-quarters or long-range).
Secondary Weapon
This is your backup firearm, often a pistol or shotgun, ideal for close-quarters combat when your primary weapon runs out of ammo.
These are passive abilities that can enhance your character’s performance, like faster movement or increased health regeneration. Choose perks that complement your playstyle.
These are the rewards you earn by scoring points in-game. These can be powerful airstrikes, UAVs for enemy detection, or specialist abilities unique to each character.
This is the specific goal of each game mode, like capturing flags in Domination or defending a zone in Hardpoint. Understanding objectives is key to victory.
Eliminating a set number of enemies without dying rewards you with perks or equipment. Use killstreaks strategically to gain an advantage.
This refers to the overhead map that displays your location, teammates, enemies (if revealed), and objectives. Use it to navigate the map and plan your next move.
HP (Health Points)
This represents your character’s health. Take cover to avoid taking damage and use healing items to restore your HP.
Your armor provides you additional protection against enemy fire. Certain perks or equipment can boost your armor.
Now, soldier, with these essential terms under your belt, you’re ready to deploy and dominate the battlefield in Call of Duty: Mobile! Good luck, and see you on the front lines!
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